First batch of COVID-19 Vaccine arrived in Malaysia on 21 Feb. However, as of 29 June 2021, only 16% of the population has been vaccinated, which is 5 millions out of almost 32 millions of Malaysian population. According to the statistics provided by Jawatankuasa Khas Jaminan Akses Bekalan Vaksin Covid-19 (JKJAV), only half the population has registered for the vaccine. Despite the efforts of distributing the vaccine, Malaysia is undergoing another round of lockdown and when will this end? The government did not provide a date when this is going to stop, the only thing they had announced is that if our daily cases had dropped under 4000, then it might move to phase 2 of the recovery plan. Considering that our daily reported cases still seem to be about 5000 to 6000 cases daily. Half of it is still contributed by workplace clusters.
During this lockdown, manufacturer and manufacturer related services are allowed to work at a 60% capacity. However, despite the reduction of workforce, according to the Health Ministry Report, the workplace still remains as a highly affected source of the coronavirus. The Public-Private Partnership Industrial Covid-19 Immunisation Programme (Pikas) kicked off on 28 June at Setia City Convention Centre in Selangor to help local manufacturing workers to get vaccinated to decrease workplace exposure.
Even so, is this really enough to stop the spread of coronavirus? How long would it still take for us to be able to continue our daily routine without worrying about being exposed? How long does it still take for us to be able to cross the state to meet our family and friends again? It has been 1 year 4 months, how long does our government still need to get things under control? How long can we still wait?
Businesses are suffering. Our people are suffering. The frontliners are suffering. Stay home and Stay safe. Don’t be the + 1 in daily covid announcements.